Saturday, May 29, 2010

what's new?

i got lazy to update my blog again! haha.. oh well..ok ok. i'll do it's time to share some news.

hmm. where will I start? .....Ah! I've enjoyed our duty today. I was the head nurse. At first I thought it was going to be stressful, but it wasn't really much as I expected. Everything went well. I just felt a lil sad because our next duty will be our last since our group will be reshuffled. huhu..T_T.. I dunno. I already felt comfortable with my groupmates that's why it's hard to adjust to a new group again. I just hope everything will be okay in time.

Oh..yesterday, I was supposed to go out but I didn't because it was raining hard. That's why I just stayed at home. I was happy to read the email of my former favorite students, Kyla and Sophie. I miss them soooo much....

Then today, ate made some reservation for our Hongkong trip on September. even though it's a long wait, it's worth the long time because at least I have something to look forward to after finishing my ER module. It's time for me to relax and enjoy! I've waited for this to happen so I really really can't wait!!! Hihihi ^_____^

So far, that's all I can share.. hmm.. yep. update you soon anyway! :P

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