Tuesday, May 18, 2010

still the same.

i wasn't able to make a post yesterday because of too much exhaustion. it was our first day on the morning shift. what's even worse is i wasn't able to sleep all night. ugh. i really that kind of feeling. anyway, good thing i was just at the supply area. we went home at around 9:10 already and i was really soooo hungry that's why i decided to eat my dinner at chowking first. then after that, i went home.

i woke up this morning at around 2pm already. what a long sleep i had! haha.. then at around 4pm, i decided to go out. i bought some meds, then i went to SM. ordered mexican quesadillas at Don Hen. after eating merienda with kuya and carlo, i went home.

now,i'm recording a video of Hey Soul Sister. love this songggg!!! :)

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