Saturday, June 26, 2010

fun day again! :)

went out with shingshing today. i missed her soooo much so it was really fun having the chance to spend time with her again..we watched karate kid, then, walked..and walked.. then, had dinner at Vizco's.took wacky shots. shared stories. had a lot of fun today! :) love my 2 days off. enjoyed it sooo much! hihihi..

Friday, June 25, 2010

happy day! ^_^

movie.picture.3D glasses.takoyaki.umbrella.long walk.hug.+ him= happy day. :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


duty last night was so benign again. I was assigned at the Pedia unit.I never thought it would be that much fun as I expected. I only had one admission though.. I was happy coz I was able to successfully insert an IV line to a baby! that was a first! yeee! i also realized it feels good to be kind to others. (huh? hahaha~ i dunno. last night, i was just in the mood to be nice to all. ^_~).. then, I handled a very cute baby.he's 10 months old. he was just so adorable! His parents were nice too. His dad even gave me a pack of bread. Hehe. While we were just waiting for patients to come, Jessa and I..ajust had a loooong, we just talked about anything under the moon. and just exchanged stories when we were still teaching Koreans. we both missed our students..and we both craved for Korean food! Haha.. hmm.. I'mma see tomorrow if I can buy some kimbap! I sooo want to eat some right now..

Anyway, after our duty, my groupmates and I had breakfast at 50's diner. I had banana split and pancakes. Oooh..too much sweets for one meal. good thing I had my medicine with me. Then after that, we went home. I really had a very looong sleep coz I already woke up at around 5pm. That was my first time to sleep that long coz usually, I only have 3-4 hours of sleep in the morning. Hehe. But I'm fully recharged now so I'm all good.

So excited for tomorrow coz Sheng and I are going out in the afternoon. Weee! Can't wait to watch a movie and hangout with my friend again. :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I had a duty last night with the other group since I didn't have duty today because of lola's despidida party. Anyway, I enjoyed it a lot since I really miss my old groupmates most especially Reyn, Janice, Weng and Alger. I also had fun during the convo that I had with them, together with Iwi and Hardy. It seems that last night was the most benign duty I ever had! There were only few patients that's why I really got bored. Sometimes, if you're so used to being busy and all, it's like you already hate doing nothing. I think it's also a good thing. Haha.. It was also my first time to sleep during a night duty, so it was all good. After our duty, together with Reyn, Janice and Alger, we went to 7/11 to grab a munch and talk about stuffs and differences with the other fellows. Anyway, I just hope that everythin will be okay soon, and that next month or in the future, we would all be together again. Ugh.. I really miss them. :(

Okay. So today, I didn't do anything actually. Haha. After getting up from a 4-hour sleep, I directly went infront of the computer to surf the net. And after that, ate and I went to Irisan for dinner coz lola and Kuya Ned will be leaving tomorrow for the US.I hope they'll have a safe trip.

Upon arriving at home, I really wanted to go to the night market to buy some clothes so kuya went with me. I was able to buy some good clothes at a cheap price. I love the 2 jackets that I bought! Worth the money. Hihihi.. I'm actually planning to go to ukay again tomorrow to shop...let's see if I'm in the mood to go out. Hehe..
Well..I think I need to since I need to get my braces adjusted already. Oh my..another 1K off my purse. Huhu..

Oh, what else?! Okay. got no more news to share. Let's see in the upcoming days what interesting things might just happen. Looking forward for a beautiful week ahead!:)

p.s. I bought 2 DVDs. Chloe and Valentine's Day..but since it's already late, maybe I'm just gonna watch em tomorrow.:)

Friday, June 4, 2010


have you ever had the feeling like everyone around you seems to be moving forward, while there you are, stuck in a place you don't want to be, yet couldn't even do anything about it?! that's exactly how i'm feeling right now and it sucks big time.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

i have one! FINALLY!

i finally bought a PSP!!! Now, i don't need to think at night whether to buy one or not. haha! But..Oh my. got No more money! Waaaaaaah!